We’ve now held six listening workshops, each on a different theme, which gave you the opportunity to raise questions on some important areas of our work.
In June, we told you about the feedback we’d received from attendees to our first three listening workshops, and now we’re doing the same for our EDI, professional standards and communication listening workshops.
These workshops were; Ensuring a diverse, inclusive and equitable culture for all (EDI), Creating a thriving profession through shared standards (professional standards) and Communicating effectively with our members (communication).
Your feedback
After each listening workshop we asked attendees to complete a survey, providing feedback on their experience of the events and how we might improve these workshops going forward. Surveys are also made available to members who watch a listening workshop on-demand via the pages above.
Overall, members said that the content and discussion of these workshops was good or very good – EDI (74%) professional standards (81%) and communication (61%).
Respondents felt the length of these workshops was good or very good – EDI (88%), professional standards (78%) and communication (74%).
Most members felt very engaged or extremely engaged during the EDI (68%), professional standards (85%) and communication (58%) listening workshops.
Respondents agreed or strongly agreed that these workshops felt relevant to their practice – EDI (91%), professional standards (89%) and communication (53%)
We also asked respondents whether they felt these workshops helped them to feel valued as a member and most members agreed or strongly agreed that they did – EDI (59%), professional standards (76%) and communication (55%).
Although a lot of members agreed or strongly agreed that the EDI (59%) and professional standards (54%) workshops helped them to feel listened to as a member, fewer members felt that the communication (40%) workshop helped them to feel listened to.
Listening to you
We asked attendees for suggestions on how we could improve the listening workshops. Whilst feedback has been largely positive, some members still feel that we can do more to answer questions fully and spend more time engaging with attendees during the event, through the chat room or by taking live questions.
We also received this feedback from the first three listening workshops and whilst we’ve tried to interact more in the chat room and address more live questions during the event, we recognise there is still more we can do.
Although there is a capacity of 600 attendees for each live event, all of our members are able to submit questions to the panel in advance. So, whilst it’s great that we receive many questions both before and during the workshops, it does unfortunately mean that we can't answer all questions in the time available.
In these situations, we may bring several questions together under one theme or choose to focus on answering those that we feel are of most relevance to our attendees.
We do, however, try and provide responses to any unanswered questions on our website after each event, which we’re usually able to do within two to three weeks.
We’d like to thank everybody again for joining the events so far and for responding to our survey with your feedback. We’ve been so pleased with the uptake of these events to date and are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our future workshops. Â
Future workshopsÂ
Spaces are available for the following workshops:
Supporting student members on their professional journey – Friday 24 September, 11am to 12pm.       Â