We're now inviting members to cast your vote in our Governor elections and to show your support for resolutions and motions.

Both processes are being managed for us by Mi-Voice electoral services who will be sending out voting links and unique voting codes to all members. If you don't receive an email from Mi-Voice, please contact support@mi-voice.com.

Governor elections

This year's Board of Governor elections sees three members standing for the role of Trustee. The email you receive will include a link to the voting website where you'll be able to read the candidates' statements and use your unique code to place your e-vote.

Resolutions and motions

The resolutions and motions site provides details of six resolutions and eight motions submitted by members and you can choose which you want to support. Resolutions and motions that get the required level of support at this stage will be put to the vote of all eligible members at the AGM. The Mi-Voice email will include a link to the support website along with your unique code.聽

Both sites will be open from today, 2 August to 5pm on Friday 3 September.