To create a new listing

Go to your account dashboard

  • Log inÌý
    (or you can click onÌý
    Log inÌýon the top right hand corner of any page on the website).

  • Enter your email address and password
    Your email address needs to be the one we have on record.ÌýIf you can't remember the email address you gave us, pleaseÌýcontact us.
    If you can't remember your password, click onÌýForgotten your passwordÌýand follow the instructions.

Log in screen

  • Once you're logged in, theÌýLog inÌýlink in the top right hand of the screen will be replaced by aÌýMy accountÌýlink.
  • Click onÌýMy accountÌýto access your account dashboard.

If this is the first time you've logged into your account, you'll need to check and update your personal details.Ìý

My account link

Click on Directory listings in the banner header to see all your directory-related options.

Screen shot of banner header

Global settings

Your photo in your membership account does not automatically pull through onto your directory profile so you need to upload it here. You can use a different image to the one shown on your member account if you wish.

You can also add any languages you speak. These options will show on all your directory listings.

  • Click onÌýEditÌý

  • Upload your photo and enter any language details.Ìý

  • When you've finished, scroll to the bottom of the screen and clickÌýSave.

Screen shot of my directory listings

Screen shot of global directory settings

Create new listing

Here you will see how many listings you can create.

  • Click onÌýAddÌýnew listingÌýto create an entry


These are any listings that you've created but haven't submitted for approval.

  • Click onÌýeditÌýnext to the listing you want to change


These are listings which are currently live on the Therapist directory.Ìý

  • Click onÌýeditÌýnext to the listing you'd like to edit. Once you’ve made any changes, you'll need to resubmit the listing for approval.

  • To archive or permanently delete a listing click onÌýdeleteÌýand select the relevant option.Ìý

Once has a listing has been sent for approval and is in the pending approval list, you can't edit it until it's been approved.


If your membership expired, or you manually archived any listings, they will appear in this section.

To reactivate a listing onto the directory, click on edit next to the relevant listing. Make any changes you want, then save and submit it for approval.

Listings will only remain in the archived section for around six months. If you want to deactivate your listing for a longer period, we'd advise saving the content into a document for future reference.

Screen shot of directory listing options

Completing your listing

Complete all the sections on the page - seeÌýListing criteriaÌýfor further information.

Ensure you enter your full address and postcode so that the listing saves correctly.

Screen shot of address fields

When you've finished, you have four options:

  • DeleteÌý– this will permanently delete the listing. Only click this if you want to remove your listing from the website.
  • Save and previewÌý– a new tab will open to enable you to see what your listing will look like on the website. If you've created a brand new listing, you need to save it to draft before you can preview
  • SaveÌý– this will create a draft version of your listing and will not update on the website. You can access your saved listing again under theÌýDraftÌýsubhead
  • Save and submitÌý– this will send your listing to us for approval and publishing. Once it's been submitted, you won't be able to make any changes until it has been approved and shows in yourÌýApprovedÌýsection

Screenshot of save options

You'll see this error message if your entry has not saved for any reason.

We’ll email you as soon as we’ve approved and published your listing, or send you advice if it needs revising.ÌýWe aim to do this within two working days.

Screen shot of error message