Date: Friday 29th November 2024

Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm.

Topic: Family constellations; how to create Living Maps.

John Harris, the director of Living Maps who facilitates Systemic Life Coaching workshops internationally, will join us for a workshop exploring how he uses supportive group settings to create ‘Living Maps’.

Living Maps are a way of gathering personal, family, social and organisational issues in to framework that offers us a way of understanding the connections outside ourselves that create our self. In this way, the core of seemingly intractable issues can be accessed, and a new vista of connections and possibilities opened up. By paying attention to the contexts that shaped our parents, grandparents and great grandparents, and therefore ourselves, a map of the entire system can be constructed.

From this perspective we are able to see how things are or were, and to see clearly where we are systemically entangled with people and events, including those that belong to wider familial, historical and cultural contexts. Once  a clear snapshot is achieved, order and balance can be restored, with benefits to both the client presenting the issue and other members of their system.

John Harris website -


- Family Constellations by Dan Booth Cohen - 

- Fixing the fixes that fail – Constellations Approach  - 

Location: Weare336, 336 Brixton Road, Brixton, London SW9 7AA.

Facilitator: Simon Thomas and Gabriella Andronico