Calling all counselling psychologists, therapists and counselling/therapy students and trainees!

Re. PhD research project: Experiencing emotions in the body.
Psychology Research Ethics Committee, Ref ETH2223- 2317, 21 June 2023, ETH2324-1477 February 2024, ETH2425-0624 November 2024.
Principal researcher: Charlotte Ellis
Supervisor: Professor Tina Forster

I am seeking qualified counselling psychologists or therapists and counselling psychology/therapist students and trainees to take part in a research project titled ‘Experiencing emotions in the body’, which I am carrying out as part of my PhD at City St Georges, University of London.

The purpose of the research is to further our understanding of how we perceive, and experience emotions within our own and others’ bodies. I am particularly interested in exploring how those working with others’ emotion experiences do this, hence I am seeking a sample of counsellors/therapists and counselling/therapy students and trainees to take part in the study.

The study will require you to complete a computer-based task as well as some questionnaires about your emotions and feelings. It is to be completed online and will require approximately thirty minutes of your time, in one single session. It is completed remotely, at your own computer. You will also need to use a mouse or trackpad to complete the tasks. All data will be anonymous.

We are offering participants the opportunity to enter a draw for either a £50 Amazon voucher or £25 Amazon voucher. If you would like to enter, you will need to supply your email address. As soon as the draw is complete, your email address will be deleted.

Participation is voluntary, and you can choose not to participate in part or all of the project. You can withdraw at any stage of the project without being penalised or disadvantaged in any way. If you do decide to take part, you will be asked to read an information sheet that describes the study and sign a consent form. You are free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason for your decision.

To read the information sheet and access the study, please click here

Please ensure you use a laptop or desktop and not a tablet or mobile phone.

If you would like further information, or have any questions, please contact me, Charlotte Ellis at

If you know of anyone in your network who may be interested in participating, then please do forward this invitation and link to them.

Thank you very much for your time.

Best wishes,
Charlotte Ellis