Extract from theÌýEthical Framework 2018

81.ÌýTrainees working with each other will:

a. relate respectfully to others and endeavour to support each others’ learning
b. follow good ethical practice when working with each other, for example whenÌýpractising skills or in personal developmentÌý

82.ÌýIn the interests of openness and honesty with clients:

a. trainees on a practitioner-qualifying course working with clients will inform clientsÌý(or ensure that clients have been informed) that they are trainees
b. trainees who are undertaking post-qualification CPD or further training will beÌýguided by any applicable training requirements when using their professional andÌýethical judgement about whether to inform clients that they are in training

83.ÌýAll trainees will:

a. seek their clients’ permission to use any information from work with them forÌýtraining purposes, for example, in presentations, case studies or as assessedÌýpractice. Alternatively, any report of work undertaken will be so thoroughlyÌýanonymised that the identity of the person concerned cannot be identified by anyÌýmeans reasonably likely to be used. Consent is required if anonymity cannot beÌýassured or when required by the training provider’s instructions or regulations.
b. ensure that they deliver services that satisfy the minimum professional standardsÌýwhen working as practitioners with members of the public. This standard may beÌýachieved with the assistance of appropriate professional support.
c. collaborate with their trainers, placement providers, supervisors and otherÌýprofessional advisers to provide services to their clients that satisfy professionalÌýstandards by being undertaken with reasonable care and skill
d. be watchful for any incompatibilities between contractual requirements that haveÌýimplications for work with clients, for example, between agreements with clients,Ìýtraining providers and placements, and seek appropriate support in order to ensureÌýthat all contractual requirements are compatible
e. be open and honest with trainers, placement providers and supervisors about allÌýissues relevant to their selection, training, supervision and professional practiceÌý

Video transcriptsÌý(opens in a new window)


What are the main ethical differences between working with fellow trainees and ‘real’ clients who are not members of our course?

Does having to declare that we are trainees when working with clients put us at a disadvantage in how we work with them and their attitude to us as practitioners? Why is this a requirement?


What do we do if we notice an incompatibility of contracts as mentioned in Good Practice point 83(d)?


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