In this issue

State of mind
How can we understand our roleÌýin our organisations in a periodÌýof turbulent change, asks JulianÌýLousada. Are we just observers,Ìýor have we been enthusiastic orÌýunwitting participants in a processÌýwe now regret or cannot control?

Mirror neurons
Bob Harris highlights recentÌýdevelopments in the field ofÌýneuroscience on the effect ofÌýmirror neurons and considers theÌýimplications for clinical work withÌýstudents

Duncan E Stafford is on aÌýprofessional mission to educateÌýand persuade more therapists toÌýstart working overtly with issuesÌýaround pornography and cybersex

Online support
In the face of rising fees and fierceÌýcompetition for places, the stakesÌýand stress levels of studentsÌýare rising, with many alreadyÌýexperiencing mental health issuesÌýprior to their arrival. Jenny HyattÌýdescribes a new approach toÌýstudent wellbeing

Breathing for self-care
Dawnie Brown provides aÌýtheoretical insight into theÌýimportance of understanding theÌýprocess of breathing in relationÌýto client healing and care of self

Clay therapy
Lynne Souter-Anderson suggestsÌýthat the rise in interest inÌýalternative therapies may be theÌýresult of counselling becomingÌýmainstream within mental healthÌýprovision, and the realisation thatÌýto rely solely on talking therapiesÌýis not the only way to improveÌýemotional wellbeing

A walk in the park
Maggie Smith reflects on theÌýchanges she has encountered inÌýher career in HE and where sheÌýthinks the sector might be heading

AUCC news

Workshop report

Conference Q&As

FE news

Notes from the chair
Update and thoughts fromÌýChris Holt

Cover of AUCC, September 2011

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýUniversity and College CounsellingÌýarchive.

From the editor

Welcome to the post-conference edition of the journal; some 150 delegatesÌýattended two programme-packed days last June covering a veritableÌýcornucopia of topics. These included the state of mind we are in,Ìýorganisationally as a profession, by Julian Lousada; the pervasive impact of pornographyÌýand how some therapists may want to dodge the issue, by Duncan E Stafford; a newÌýcomputer-based resource for mental wellbeing under the auspices of the Tavistock, byÌýJenny Hyatt; and creative responses to stress – our clients and our own – throughÌýbreathing (Dawnie Brown) or working with clay (Lynne Souter-Anderson).

This year, most participants were from universities, as unfortunately all too many ofÌýour FE colleagues were concentrating on weathering what proved to be a difficult yearÌýafter seeing several colleagues lose their jobs (see Dawn Hastings’ report, ‘Riding theÌýStorm’). And this despite a recent Government White Paper, entitledÌý‘Students at the Heart of the System’ which seems to acknowledge that good pastoralÌýcare can at times ‘make the difference between completing a course and dropping out’.

Few would disagree that education holds the key to solving problems ranging fromÌýlong-term poverty to domestic violence. It is education that will prepare the nextÌýgeneration for future unpredictability that we, as practitioners from various andÌýsometimes conflicting modalities, struggle to grasp.

Julian Lousada, a university teacher before he became a clinician, set the tone forÌýthe conference with his opening keynote address. While articulating salient aspects ofÌýthe unpredictability of current conditions, Julian posed searching questions for theÌýpositions, both personal and professional, that we adopt. That same rallying call to usÌýas professionals to take our heads out of the sand emerged in several of theÌýworkshops as well as in the final plenary session (see Mary Dailey’s ConferenceÌýQuestions and Answers report).

Could, should, we, in relatively rural Staffordshire in June, have anticipated the civilÌýunrest, riots and ‘ventings of spleen’ that were to follow in August? Apparently, highendÌýtrainers and personal digital assistants – symbols of wealthÌý and status – wereÌýwhat looters particularly craved; a powerful indicator of the perils of commodification.ÌýIf we accept that the disaffected youth who took their grievances to the street includedÌýsome of our students, then we mustÌý surely ask ourselves, how we as a profession canÌýbe robust enough to contribute effectively to the aftermath. As eminent historian EPÌýThompson once said, in a world where the powerless are generally invisible, the riotÌýis a form of ‘collective bargaining’. Despite the anxiety provoked by this form of directÌýaction, how do we think about the emotional as well as material deprivation that liesÌýbehind what happened, the tension between engagement and punishment and whatÌýwe can do to help facilitate a return to the idea of ‘a relatedness between the self andÌýother, the citizen and the social context’ as Lousada put it so prophetically?

For those who could not be there,Ìýwe thought you might like to savourÌýsome of the flavour in pictures, andÌýfor those who were there, aÌýmemento of pictures – please seeÌýthe inside back cover. We hope you enjoy this issue of the journal at theÌýstart of another academic year andÌýwill be driven to present your views.ÌýWe are the sum of our members soÌýplease do get in touch and shareÌýyour ideas through the AUCC journal.

Dani Singer