In this issue


College counselling in theÌýage of biological psychiatry:Ìýa Szaszian perspectiveÌý(free article)
John Breeding challengesÌýthe psychiatric model andÌýits reliance on drugs to treatÌýstudent distress

Responding to risk throughÌýbehavioural intervention teams
How can we best work withÌýand contain students at risk?ÌýDave Wilson outlines aÌýcross-service approach

Keeping mental health inÌýmind: the importance ofÌýthat first conversation
Jackie Williams introducesÌýa pilot e-learning programmeÌýfor non-specialist staff whoÌýencounter students in distress

Freedom and chains:Ìýthe duality of the universityÌýexperience for young menÌýwith eating disorders
A call for greater awarenessÌýof how eating issues affectÌýmen as well as women.ÌýRussell Delderfield sharesÌýhis research findings

Joining the dots:Ìýthe impact of undiagnosedÌýdyslexia on students
Sarah Olds explores the personalÌýand academic costs for studentsÌýwhose dyslexia remains hidden

Tales from the woods
David Mair shares twoÌýmetaphors relevant to short-termÌýcounselling in education

Divisional news

Notes from HUCS
David Mair

Notes from the chair
Jeremy Christey

Notes from FE
Mary Jones

Cover of University and College Counselling May 2016

A pdf of this issue is available in the University and College Counselling archive

From the editor

In recent weeks the media have been full of stories about student mental health. A narrative is emerging that students are a fragile group and that university and college life is fraught with high levels of anxiety and stress. We’re told that the introduction of tuition fees has played a pivotal role in driving the increase in presentations at counselling services, and that without fast access to counsellors or other mental health workers, students’ chance of success, or even of completing their studies, are compromised.

Narratives create reality. And so it’s important that we critically assess them as they emerge, because they surround our work as counsellors, as well as the lives of the clients we work with. In our opening article, John Breeding offers a critique of the biopsychiatric narrative of mental illness. Writing from the US, he alerts us to the huge rise in prescribed medications and their potential impact on young lives – often, he argues, without good evidence for their need or effectiveness. Yet the distress that students experience is real and we need to be clear about what counselling can – and can’t – offer this group of emerging adults.

Hidden distress is all the more difficult for being unacknowledged. Sarah Olds writes about the distress of undiagnosed dyslexia. When teachers, doctors, parents – and counsellors – are unaware of possible indications of dyslexia, students suffer from unrecognised barriers to success. Conversely when appropriate diagnoses are made, what was experienced initially as a burden can, potentially, become a gateway to embracing an alternative way of seeing the world – a liberation. And Russell Delderfield shines a light into the often hidden distress of men who are suffering from eating disorders. Gender bias can lead us to miss symptoms which are more often associated with women but which can have a profound impact on young men’s experience of university.

Dave Wilson argues for the need for all staff in institutions to take student distress seriously. For any one service to work in isolation, attempting to support students at risk is not only ineffective, he argues, but potentially unethical. Building on this assertion, Jackie Williams informs us of a new e-training package aimed at nonclinical staff in colleges and institutions, to help them interact more confidently with students who need support.

Our professional settings are challenging places to work, requiring us all to be aware of the narrative currents that swirl around us. I hope you find the contributions in this issue enlightening and supportive.

David Mair