In this issue

Taking social anxietyÌýseriously
Avoiding social encounters andÌýpublic speaking, or enduring theseÌýwith considerable distress, is aÌýcommon experience for studentsÌýand others, many of whom fulfilÌýclinical criteria for social anxiety.ÌýÉamonn Ó Dochartaigh explores

An attachment approach (free article)
Jane McChrystal argues that withÌýmore students experiencingÌýfinancial pressures in addition toÌýdevelopmental and academicÌýchallenges, and staff facing increasedÌýdemands with fewer resources, anÌýattachment perspective can provideÌýa useful approach

Fear-free caregiving
Una McCluskey believes anÌýunderstanding of how the fearÌýsystem interacts with theÌýattachment system is vital

Bereavement group
Bereaved students often struggleÌýwith feelings of isolation. DavidÌýGlyn explores the benefits of aÌýbereavement group

Setting up a peerÌýsupport service
Tina Usherwood looks at the roleÌýof peer support in her institution

A day in the life of…
Bhavna Abbi, one of five UniversityÌýof Wolverhampton studentÌýcounsellors, describes her day

HUCS’ response to theÌýnew economic realities
A résumé of a presentation givenÌýto the national Head of UniversityÌýCounselling Services (HUCS)Ìýmeeting in February

The value of anÌýin-house service
Patti Wallace distils recent emailÌýdiscussion on the HUCS mailbaseÌýas a guide to how to presentÌýevidenced arguments in support ofÌýcounselling services

Recent references
A useful summary of sourcesÌýrelevant to student mental healthÌýand counselling outcomes

Notes from the chair
Update and thoughts fromÌýChris Holt

Cover of AUCC, May 2011

Not all articles from this issue are available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýUniversity and College CounsellingÌýarchive.

From the editor

‘Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?’
(TS Eliot: Choruses from the Rock, 1935)

And, Elliot might have added, where is the information we have lostÌýin the bits and bytes we are constantly bombarded with and areÌýin danger of drowning in? Indeed, where is the foresight lost inÌýmanagers? Few if any people I have encountered in our sector, haveÌýexpressed anything but shock and horror at the seemingly myopic viewÌýof current policy in many areas, particularly our own. Even TS Eliot’s EastÌýCoker, immortalised in the Four Quartets, appears to be under threatÌý(Observer, 20/3/11, p21).

As a species we do not seem to have acquired much wisdom despiteÌýa plethora of information and knowledge. Wisdom is remarkably elusiveÌý– where is the Delphi Oracle of old when you need it? Despite having moreÌýinformation, facts and ‘evidence’ at our finger tips than ever before, weÌýappear little wiser.

We work in education where the goal is surely to lay the foundationÌýfor the acquisition of wisdom by adding value to data, information andÌýknowledge through enabling understanding, insight and encouragingÌýexperience. And hopefully metamorphosing that into a glimmer of wisdom...

Coming hastily back down to earth, I am pleased that the contributorsÌýto this issue suggest that with reflection, there is still hope, that far fromÌýmerely sitting Canute-like at the edge of forces we cannot control, we haveÌýstrength and resilience to share and that much can be done even in the faceÌýof discouraging news of cutbacks, particularly in FE, which is perhaps theÌýmost vulnerable currently in our sector.

The theme of this year’s conference is timely: Making sense in uncertainÌýtimes: facing difficulties both creatively and professionally. I look forwardÌýto seeing as many ofÌýyou as possible there,Ìýwith minds wide open,Ìýideas simmering, penÌý(or iPad) in hand, eagerÌýto contribute to theÌýcollective wisdom thatÌýhopefully will beÌýevidenced in your journal!

Dani Singer