Tears and tears

Maureen Slattery-Marsh

"We often experience shame in shedding tears for the tears in our lives. However these tears have come about, when we allow ourselves to be seen with compassion, support and love in our torn places, it opens up more hopeful horizons"

From the Chair, Maureen Slattery-Marsh

Translating spiritual

Jose Leal

"…we must remain humble and never forget that we are witnessing something much larger than us: another human’s full existence"

Spiritually ambivalent therapist, José Luis LealÌý

Discovering beauty

Alistair Ross

"There is a sense of wonder when a client begins to trust in new ways, like a baby trusts a caregiver, with a tender beauty. Such ideas challenge societal norms about beauty, a subject that is so often sexualised, gendered, or idealised"

Real world spirituality, Alistair Ross


1 MacMahon K. Nothing but blue sky. Dublin: Penguin; 2020.