In this issue


Recession depression
Sarah Browne explores the role ofÌýcounselling in a time of recession

Counselling’s ‘special relationship’
David Kaplan and Val Potter discuss theÌýhistory of counselling in the US and UK.

Mind, body and soul
To ignore the spirit is to ignore a huge chunkÌýof a person’s being, argues John Rowan.

Nurturing reflective space
Reflective space is a vital source of psychicÌýnourishment, writes Mark Emery.

Do we need supervision?
Caro Bailey questions the rarely questionedÌýassumption that supervision is a good thing.


News focus
Hearing their voices
Catherine Jackson asks why people with severe mental illness are still not offeredÌýtalking therapies, despite NICE recommendations and government pledges

Talking point
Alice King: Therapists in denial

The researcher
Barry McInnes: Making measures human

In the client's chair
Adam Lawton: I've got a life to live

In practice
Rachel Freeth: Encounters involving warmth

How I became a therapist
Nick Totton

Stephan Natynczuk

My life
Oliver Burkeman: In pursuit of awe

Historic sexual abuse



From the chair
Amanda Hawkins: A new year to come

Cover of Therapy Today, December 2012

Articles from this issue are not available online. Members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýTherapy TodayÌýarchive.


For months now, when I’ve been doing myÌýsupermarket shop and flinching at the price ofÌýan apple or a loaf of bread, I’ve been wonderingÌýand worrying about how families on very lowÌýincomes are surviving. Researching the featureÌýon recession depression has opened my eyesÌýto the world of foodbanks and suicide statisticsÌýconnected to unemployment. I realised thatÌýthings are a lot worse than I had imagined.ÌýI had no idea, for example, that there are twoÌýnew foodbanks opening every week in townsÌýand cities across the UK and that thousandsÌýof people are using them to feed their children.ÌýNor did I know that a one per cent rise inÌýunemployment equates to a 0.79 per centÌýrise in suicide.

Talking to counsellors in different sectors,Ìýa picture emerges of hugely increased demandÌýfor services by people affected by the recessionÌýin different ways: young unemployed people,Ìýpeople who have lost their welfare benefits inÌýdesperate financial situations, huge increasesÌýin relationship breakdown due to financialÌýstress, increases in suicidal ideation andÌýalcohol addiction.

Over the years I have heard variousÌýministers at the New Savoy ConferenceÌýpledging that they will not abandon theÌýunemployed; that they will not let themÌýsink into depression, never to return to theÌýworkplace etc etc. This year’s conferenceÌýwas no exception. The promises were thereÌýbut the disconnect between policy and whatÌýis happening on the ground seems to beÌýgetting wider. Everybody recognises thatÌýhuge progress has been made in the last four orÌýfive years in terms of trying to improve accessÌýto psychological therapies on the NHS, butÌýcurrently clearly only a fraction of those whoÌýcould benefit are getting any kind of a look-in.ÌýJudging from the comments from GPs in TheÌýAusterity Report 2012, many of them are notÌýeven bothering to refer people for counsellingÌýbecause the waiting lists are so long. WhenÌýwe know the difference that counsellingÌýcan make, this is disappointing indeed.

Sarah Browne