In this issue


Understanding Asperger syndrome (free article)
How would you respond if your clientÌýtold you they had Asperger syndrome?ÌýMaxine Aston advises on how best toÌýwork and communicate with AS.

Retirement: when is it time to stop?
There are no guidelines for therapistsÌýon the right time to retire, so shouldÌýpeople in their 80s still be practising?

The transition from student to counsellor
Leaving behind the security of collegeÌýand peer support, one newly qualifiedÌýcounsellor looks back over her first yearÌýof private practice.

RCTs: a personal experience
Researching school counselling throughÌýRCTs has been an overwhelmingly positiveÌýexperience for one PhD student.

The marriage of practice and science
What impact does therapists’ increasingÌýinvolvement in research have on the wayÌýthey see this activity?


Kathleen Adams

In practice
Kevin Chandler: The avoidance of endings

In training
Alex Erskine: Travelling to new places

From the chair
Dr Lynne Gabriel: Lobbying for wider patient choice

Day in the life
Addila Khan

The Wednesday Group

Threats to the frame

Cover of Therapy Today, September 2011

All articles from this issue are not yet available online. Members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýTherapy TodayÌýarchive.


There is a wealth of information available toÌýtherapists working with clients with AspergerÌýsyndrome (AS), due in part to advances inÌýneurological research. In brain scans of ASÌýindividuals, the part of the brain that governsÌýempathy and insight has been shown to beÌýinactive in processing information fromÌýothers; instead the logical part of the brainÌýbecomes active. Understanding how ASÌýclients use logic rather than being in touchÌýwith their feelings can help therapists who areÌýtrained to help clients express how they feel.

As Maxine Aston explores in her article,Ìýasking AS clients how they feel could createÌýanxiety as their logical brain attempts toÌýdefine and accurately explain the emotionsÌýgoing on inside them. Maxine who hasÌýspecialised in working with AS for overÌýa decade is concerned that without goodÌýawareness of the differences between ASÌýand ‘neuro-typical’ individuals, therapistsÌýcan end up working to bring emotions toÌýthe surface when this might be inappropriateÌýand damaging to the client.

Also in this issue the debate continuesÌýabout engaging with RCTs with an accountÌýfrom Kathryn McArthur of the human sideÌýof conducting this kind of research. ContraryÌýto the common perception of an RCT as aÌýdetached, faceless study, Kathryn describesÌýconducting a pilot RCT of school-basedÌýcounselling as a positive experience largelyÌýbecause of the relationships she formedÌýwith the many young people who tookÌýpart in the study. Interestingly, she writes,Ìýparticipants tended not to distinguishÌýbetween counselling sessions and theÌýresearch interviews – although these wereÌýstructured differently – saying that they feltÌýlistened to, cared about, taken seriously andÌýgiven a chance to talk things through, oftenÌýfor the first time.

Sarah Browne