In this issue


Liberation or limitation?
Adrian Hemmings considersÌýthe potential impact of theÌýforthcoming NHS reorganisationÌýon independent practitioners

In praise of sadness
Julia Segal puts the case for aÌýbetter understanding of an oftenÌýfeared emotion


Beyond the physical
Francesca Thorpe describes herÌýinvolvement in a pilot counsellingÌýproject to support those affectedÌýby Thalidomide

Moving men
Helping men move forward in theirÌýlives is a passion for independentÌýpractitioner, David Polak


Where do independentÌýpractitioners find support?
Insights from Pamela Savic-Jabrow,Ìýthe author of a revealing studyÌý

Research support at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ


On being congruent
Gordon Sayers and DebbieÌýRuskin invite readers to observeÌýtheir supervisory process


A question of ethics
The Ethics enquiry line can beÌýa key source of support forÌýindependent practitioners, asÌýDenise Chaytor explains


My day
Manu Bazzanu starts the ballÌýrolling in the first of a new seriesÌýof articles in which independentÌýpractitioners describe a typical day

From the chair

Cover of The Independent Practitioner Spring 2011

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýPrivate PracticeÌýarchive.

From the editor

Without wishing to cause anyone to choke on their cornflakes, have you ever consideredÌýthat imagining how other independents operate is a bit like wondering about other people’sÌýsex lives: you know it’s a universal activity, but you only ever have direct experience fromÌýyour own perspective?

One way in is to carry out a study, and some illuminating insights into the working lives ofÌýindependent practitioners are brought to us by the author of a study that investigatedÌýthe types of support mechanisms used by independents. Although the study response rate wasÌýlow (an interesting fact in itself) it’s direct evidence of what practitioners actually do and, as such,Ìýoffers a unique perspective.

Widening the perspective out still further, Adrian Hemmings authors our cover story this issue,Ìýwith a report on the shifting NHS landscape and the potential impact of changes to it onÌýindependent practitioners.Ìý

We also feature two projects, ostensibly very different, yet both supporting andÌýempowering specific client groups. In its recently published report, ‘Delivering Male: effectiveÌýpractice in male mental health’*, MIND, in conjunction with Men’s Health Forum, looked at theÌýmental health needs of males and the best ways of meeting these. And in this issue, we echoÌýthe theme with a look at a project that empowers men to make positive changes in their lives.ÌýThe second featured project is a pilot, set up to counsel those affected by the drug Thalidomide.ÌýHaving been born in 1960, at the time that babies were being born damaged by Thalidomide,ÌýI was one of the fortunate ones – my mother did not take the drug, commonly prescribed forÌýmorning sickness – but many were not so lucky. The author of the article, herselfÌýThalidomide, describes the long-term emotional challenges that those affected by ThalidomideÌýstruggle with.

This issue of The Independent Practitioner sees some new regular sections and features. In a newÌýsupervision section, a practitioner and supervisor share their supervisory relationship with readers;Ìýa new resources section opens with a look at the Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ ethics team and specifically how it canÌýsupport independent practitioners; ‘My day’ follows an independent practitioner throughout theirÌýday, at work and at play; and ‘Smalltalk’ takes a light-hearted look at life and work through theÌýeyes of a practitioner.

If you would like to contribute to The Independent Practitioner, whether it be a project you areÌýinvolved in, a perspective you would like to share with readers, a suggestion for My day, Smalltalk,Ìýor an idea for an article generally, please get in touch – my email address is below. On the insideÌýback cover of this journal, and on the AIP website, you will find authors’ guidelines to refer to.Ìý

Finally, to return to where I started, the very nature of private practice involves working independently,Ìýwith the potential for feeling isolated. That’s why having the chance to meet other practitionersÌýis so important. The AIP conference this month is an ideal opportunity to meet peers and toÌýnetwork, with the added bonus of hearing some inspirational speakers give informed insights intoÌýthe profession. I hope to see you there.

Jacqui Gray
Acting editor


* Delivering Male: