In this issue


My practice
State of flow
Claire Thomas describes her excitement as she makes theÌýtransition from qualifying into private practice

My practice
Finding a common language
Anna Storey reflects on the challenges of working as aÌýtherapist in her second language

My story
Hanging on the telephone
Tamar Posner continued her therapy over the phone whenÌýher therapist was suddenly unable to work face to face, andÌýdiscovered the experience had some unexpected benefits

My story
Those first impressions
Rebecca Mitchell considers what we can do to ensure ourÌýclients receive a good impression of us from that preciousÌýfirst meeting

My story
Time to stand and stare
John Crew reflects on his choice to continue part time inÌýprivate practice and, as he approaches 70, wonders whenÌýit will be time to retire

My practice
The human-animal bond
Diane Hunt Hardiman argues that we need to connect moreÌýwith animals to appreciate our impact on our planet and toÌýexist as an integral part of it

Practice matters
Commissioning and collaboration
Nichola Watson and Louise Robinson explain the changesÌýto NHS commissioning and how they may provide new
opportunities for practitioners in private practice


From the chair
Wendy Halsall: Reaping rewards

Cover of Private Practice, Autumn 2012

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýPrivate PracticeÌýarchive.

From the editor

I don’t know about you but I’ve definitelyÌýnoticed a decrease in the number of newÌýreferrals I’ve received so far this year.ÌýI’ve heard similar reports from otherÌýtherapists, as well as people telling meÌýthey’ve noticed how clients are askingÌýfor more flexible ways of engaging withÌýtherapy: for fortnightly rather thanÌýweekly sessions, for instance, or forÌýshorter-term contracts than mightÌýpreviously have been the case.

This leads me to suspect that those of us in private practiceÌýare now beginning to feel the impact of the double-dip recessionÌýand flat-lining UK economy. The service we provide is often seenÌýby clients as a ‘discretionary spend’ – the first expenditure toÌýbe cut when times are tight. Complementary therapists I knowÌýtell me they’re being impacted in similar ways – not a cheeryÌýprospect given that the UK economy is not now expected toÌýrecover until 2014.

The impact of the recession on mental health is now anÌýimportant matter for debate and public policy. The mentalÌýhealth charity SANE reports a marked increase in the number ofÌýpeople contacting their helpline with depression and anxiety dueÌýto financial uncertainty. And yet, as chief executiveÌýMarjorie Wallace points out, ‘A vicious circle is being created withÌýcuts to mental health services coinciding with increased demand,Ìýespecially for psychological counselling, leavingÌý people with noÌýone to turn to at times of crisis.’

The statistics are alarming. A recent report published by theÌýLSE Mental Health Policy Group finds that of the six million peopleÌýin Britain who currently have depression, only a quarter of theseÌýare receiving treatment. The cost to the NHS of theseÌýuntreated cases is huge because, the report finds, among peopleÌýunder 65, almost half of all physical ill health is mental illnessÌýrelated, costing the NHS at least £10 billion a year.ÌýThe fact that the Government has responded to the gloomyÌýoutlook by committing £400 million to complete the nationalÌýrollout of IAPT, is clearly a good thing. But it remains to be seenÌýwhat impact changes to NHS commissioning due to the revisedÌýHealth and Social Care Bill will have on service provision. For thoseÌýof you who receive referrals from your local GP, newÌýcommissioning guidelines may affect your ability to receive theseÌýbecause the Government aims to regulate the NHS market throughÌýlicensing service providers through the implementation of the newÌýAny Qualified Provider (AQP) scheme.

In response to these changes, Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ is supporting members viaÌýa range of online resources, clinical commissioning forum events,Ìýand advice and information by phone and email.ÌýNichola Watson and Louise Robinson explain the likelyÌýimpact of the changes on therapists in private practice. BecauseÌýthe requirements and criteria set for AQP are geared towardsÌýservices or agencies rather than individuals, they recommend thatÌýmembers currently working in GP practices consider collaboratingÌýto form a consortium or social enterprise.

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Private Practice is responding to the current climate byÌýarranging its biggest ever conference for Saturday 9 February 2013Ìýcalled ‘Depression: what’s therapy got to do with it?’ Put the date inÌýyour diary.

John Daniel