In this issue

Healthcare professionals:Ìýcommission your ownÌýself-care quality!
Linda Dubrow-Marshall outlinesÌýsome of the issues for healthcareÌýpractitioners, and offers someÌýrecommendations on developingÌýa ‘toolbox’ for self-care

Self-care for Black andÌýMinority EthnicÌýpractitioners
Susan Cousins explores issues aroundÌýself-care for BME practitioners

The journey of growthÌýtowards authenticity
For Gareth Jones, research whichÌýinvolved rediscovering the pastÌýhas led to ‘personal treasure’ andÌýgreatly benefited self-care and hisÌýtherapeutic relationships

Maintaining integrity inÌýchronically challengedÌýtherapeutic relationships
Anthony Hickey discusses issuesÌýaround self-care highlighted throughÌýhis research into how therapistsÌýrespond to dissociative clients

Counselling with a vision
Diana Savage charts the growth ofÌýan inspirational service in MiltonÌýKeynes where team spirit is aÌýsignificant feature

Ageing, growth, time andÌýchange: working withÌýolder LGBT people
David Richards describes some ofÌýthe themes central to working withÌýthis client group
Reproduced in Therapy Today, December 2011

Thoughts on supervision:Ìýnecessary support orÌýmonthly chore?
John McCourt offers suggestionsÌýfor including self-care as part ofÌýsupervision

GP viewpoint
John Hague shares his experienceÌýof clinically-led commissioning –Ìýand what it might mean for mentalÌýhealth services

The Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ AnnualÌýResearch Conference:Ìýsubmitting a paper
John McLeod describes the reviewÌýprocess and how decisions are madeÌýabout which papers are acceptedÌýfor inclusion in the conferenceÌýprogramme

Electronic patient recordsÌýand client confidentiality
Peter Jenkins, associate editor ofÌýHCPJ, responds to some of the keyÌýissues raised in the recent articleÌýby Brian Rock and Helen BrindleyÌýon EPRs and their impact on theÌýtherapeutic relationship

A guide to…ÌýWorking with dissociative identityÌýdisorder
By Carolyn Spring

On the receiving end
Behaviour therapy put Steve GeeÌýmore in control of his obsessive-compulsiveÌýdisorder

Web resources:Ìýolder LGBT clients
Key websites for further information

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Healthcare update
Chair Tina Campbell and Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏÌýhealthcare development managerÌýLouise Robinson on the latestÌýinitiatives from the healthcare division

Cover of HCPJ October 2011

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýHealthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy JournalÌýarchive.


When I asked authors to write on self-care for this special issue, I didÌýso thinking of the challenges to self-care that often arise from workingÌýin psychological healthcare.

I wasn’t expecting to be moved, but moved I have been – by both the themesÌýand content of the articles, and particularly by the authors’ preparedness toÌýshare their experiences to illuminate this important subject.

What strikes me about the richness of the articles in this issue is that theÌýauthors write not only with strength of knowledge, they also write from theÌýheart. In our lead article, Linda Dubrow-Marshall’s enthusiasm for self-care isÌýevident as she urges us ‘to be accountable to yourselves and your professionÌýfor keeping yourselves mentally fit, and strengthen your resolve to dedicateÌýtime and energy to quality self-care.’ Linda goes on to offer valuable suggestionsÌýfor doing just that. In addition, her awareness of her own need to stay vigilantÌýabout self-care is deftly illustrated in her experiences of volunteering to offerÌýtherapy following 9/11.

Susan Cousins also draws on her own personal experiences, and thoseÌýof other black workers, to highlight issues surrounding isolation in theÌýworkplace for BME practitioners, and to urge healthcare services to set upÌýblack practitioner support groups to foster a sense of belonging. In detailingÌýresearch which involved rediscovering his own past, Gareth Jones explainsÌýhow his willingness to explore and integrate his own pain led to benefits forÌýboth his clients and himself; Gareth’s open approach may encourage us allÌýto delve deep into our wellbeing for the benefit of therapeutic relationships.ÌýIn another research-based article, Anthony Hickey comments on one aspectÌýof self-care identified through his recent study of trauma therapists – thatÌýof internal self-care. Further findings from Anthony’s research, related toÌýother types of self-care, will be the subject of future articles.

Some of the authors who have written for this issue were approached afterÌýpresenting their research at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ’s Annual Research Conference, held in LiverpoolÌýlast May. Submissions are now being sought for next year’s conference, and inÌýa welcoming and informative article, John McLeod describes how decisions areÌýmade about submissions, and provides advice on how to offer a paper, workshopÌýor poster. If you have been conducting research and would like to submit, allÌýdetails are included. The submission deadline is November 2011.

I hope you enjoy the articles in this issue as much as I enjoyed editing themÌýand working with the authors. As ever, we welcome your feedback andÌýcomments in the form of articles or letters, so please get in touch.

Sarah Hovington