In this issue


EatingÌýdisorders: is inaction tantamount to negligence? (free article)
Kel O’Neill argues that counsellors and psychotherapists need to do more to recognise and address eating disorders

Supervision and training supervisors for IAPT: are we getting the balance right?
Michael Worrell explores whether the provision of supervision for IAPT CBT practitioners is adequate and fit for purpose

Tending the growing edge: counselling women following breast cancer
Carol Morgan explores the role of counselling in facilitating post-traumatic growth

Hyperemesis gravidarum: who cares?Ìý(free article)
Michelle Nicholson reflects on the experiences of women who have suffered the psychological effects of severe pregnancy sickness


Chair’s report – Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Healthcare
Satinder Panesar

Healthcare update
Judy Stafford

Counselling in primary care
Elaine Davies

Cover of Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy journal, January 2018 issue

A pdf of this issue is available in the Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal archive

From the editor

One of the key focal points of healthcare policy in recentÌýyears has been the need to bridge the gap betweenÌýphysical and mental health. The NHS Five Year ForwardÌýView for Mental Health1 emphasised the need for aÌýgreater focus on the psychological aspects of physical illness. InÌýkeeping with this, three of the articles in this issue focus on theÌýintersection of physical and mental health, exploring theÌýpsychological impacts of eating disorders, severe morningÌýsickness and breast cancer.

Although many of us will have no formal training in workingÌýwith eating disorders, we may find ourselves with patientsÌýpresenting with other issues, who also suffer from anorexiaÌýnervosa, bulimia or related disorders. In a frank exploration ofÌýthis topic, eating disorder specialist, Kel O’Neill, challenges usÌýto consider how we work with these clients. Huge increases inÌýthe diagnosis of these disorders have led to long waiting times forÌýspecialist services, which may increase the likelihood that theseÌýpatients end up in the consulting rooms of those of us who are notÌýspecialists. Kel highlights that, when working with these clients,Ìýwe will often be working with life and death scenarios, and that weÌýcannot afford complacency. Her article certainly challenged meÌýto consider how I might improve my understanding of theÌýpsychological impact of these disorders.

One of the key ways in which we might challenge our work in thisÌýarea is by bringing it to supervision. At its best, supervision givesÌýus the opportunity to explore our blind spots and identify areasÌýof growth. Michael Worrell considers whether the supervisionÌýprovided to IAPT CBT practitioners is fit for purpose andÌýsupports their needs. His reflections are not only relevant toÌýpractitioners of that modality, however. He highlights how goodÌýsupervision provides the supervisee with a safe space to explore the emotional complexities of working as a therapist. HavingÌýrecently completed my own training as a supervisor, I found hisÌýreflections helpful and pertinent to my future work in this area.

Returning to the interplay between physical and mental health,ÌýCarol Morgan presents a case study of her work with a womanÌýwho has suffered from breast cancer. She focuses on the positiveÌýpersonal growth in the women she has worked with through theÌýcharity Breast Cancer Haven. This organisation seems to provideÌýan excellent example of responding to the needs of the wholeÌýperson, adopting a holistic and individualised approach, andÌýoffering complementary therapies alongside counselling.

This need to respond to the whole person is also evident inÌýMichelle Nicholson’s article on the psychological impact of severeÌýmorning sickness. Michelle’s first-hand experience of this issueÌýled her to conduct research into how other women had coped andÌýbeen supported through their physical and mental distress.ÌýMichelle and the women she interviewed shared the experienceÌýthat, while healthcare professionals took care of their physicalÌýneeds during their pregnancies, measuring bumps and bloodÌýpressure, they were not asked about their emotional needs.ÌýMichelle sensitively captures the experiences of the 10 womenÌýshe interviewed. These are useful reflections to bear in mind,Ìýshould we find ourselves working with clients suffering fromÌýthis condition.

It is important to us that we ensure that this journal reflectsÌýyour needs and interests. If you have any ideas for differentÌýtypes of content that you would like to see in the journal, such asÌýinterviews with therapists, or discussions of ethical dilemmas,Ìýthen do please let me know.

Joanna Benfield


1 Independent Mental Health Task Force to the NHS in England. Five year forwardÌýview for mental health. [Online.] 2016.Ìý(accessed 29 November 2017).