In this issue

Understanding andÌýeffectively treatingÌýanxiety symptoms withÌýpsychotherapy
Intensive short-term dynamicÌýpsychotherapy (ISTDP) interpretsÌýanxiety as the gateway to theÌýunconscious. Robert J NeborskyÌýand Sharon Lewis present anÌýoverview of a treatment thatÌýaddresses root causes

Experiential psychotherapyÌýand the vagus nerves
With its correlates to neurobiology,Ìýthe technique of focusing mayÌýreduce vulnerability to anxiety,Ìýwrites Joseph Bray

Trends in anxiety duringÌýadolescence
Changes in culture influence theÌýcourse of anxiety among youngÌýpeople, says Richard Graham

Mindfulness-basedÌýcognitive therapy (MBCT)Ìýfor severe health anxiety
Initial evidence indicates that MBCTÌýmay be an effective treatment forÌýhealth anxiety. Freda McManus,ÌýKate Muse and Christina SurawyÌýdescribe its benefits

CBT-based self-helpÌýin treating anxiety
Margaret Hawkins outlines theÌýwork of No Panic, a charitableÌýorganisation which uses anÌýinnovative model of support forÌýpeople with anxiety disorders

Peter Jenkins considers Kennedy’sÌýReview: a new focus on the needsÌýof children in the NHS?

A brief guide to…
…cognitive behavioural therapy forÌýanxiety disorders

On the receiving end
Learning how to cope with panicÌýattacks allowed Tracy Osler to meetÌýthe challenges that life brings

In memory of LynneÌýThompson FÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ
Pat Seber pays tribute to her friendÌýand colleague

Research matters
Sara Perren continues her accountÌýof being involved in a majorÌýresearch trial

GP viewpoint
Teaching anxiety management fromÌýan early age could be beneficial forÌýboth patients and GPs, argues JohnÌýHague

Best practice
Brian Rock and Anca CarringtonÌýoutline the work of a new serviceÌýoffering support to patients andÌýGPs in the management of complexÌýcases

Web resources: anxiety
Key websites for furtherÌýinformation

Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Healthcare update
Chair Tina Campbell and Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏÌýhealthcare development manager,ÌýLouise Robinson, invite members toÌýget in touch

Cover of HCPJ January 2011

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýHealthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy JournalÌýarchive.


How do you work with clients who present with anxiety? What theory informsÌýyour practice? It might be, for instance, that as a practitioner, you don’t acceptÌýa medicalised label and work with the whole person; at the other end of theÌýspectrum, it might be that your aim is to help clients with a diagnosed anxiety disorderÌýreduce their symptoms. The theme of this issue of HCPJ is ‘anxiety’ and its articlesÌýreflect some very different theoretical perspectives and corresponding therapyÌýoptions for people with anxiety which should give plenty of food for thought.

Writing authoritatively about intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP),ÌýRobert J Neborsky and Sharon Lewis see anxiety arising out of a person’s early attachmentÌýrelationships, with the root cause of current symptoms being the avoidance of coreÌýemotions. In treatment, therefore, anxiety becomes a tool the clinician uses to helpÌýpeople recover from their symptoms.

Joseph Bray also describes a psychotherapeutic approach. The technique of focusingÌýhas its roots in neurobiology: from this perspective, distressing emotions – particularlyÌýfear – are correlated with the nervous system, and particularly the vagus nerves. In aÌýfascinating article, the author describes the link between these nerves and a form ofÌýintrospection that centres on inner body awareness and directs the client’s attentionÌýtowards the vast unknown territory of their physiology.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is the approach recommended in the NationalÌýInstitute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines (the amended guidelineÌýis due early 2011 and it will be interesting to see if other modalities have gained the acceptable level of evidence for inclusion). Our guide to CBT in treating anxiety, the firstÌýin a series of brief guides, demonstrates how the theories behind cognitive therapy andÌýbehavioural therapy have come together into a coherent and flexible therapeutic approach.

In recent years, a ‘third wave’ of development has been incorporated into the CBTÌýapproach and prominent among these is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).ÌýInitial evidence suggests MBCT may be useful in treating clients with what was previouslyÌýknown as hypochondriasis. Although classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical ManualÌý(DSM-IV) as a somatoform disorder, hypochondriasis is now increasingly called healthÌýanxiety and is a clinically significant problem for up to five per cent of the population.ÌýWith a randomised controlled trial underway, Freda McManus, Kate Muse and ChristinaÌýSurawy expertly guide the reader through how this promising treatment may work.

Moving from a treatment perspective to a wider view, Richard Graham takes anÌýinsightful look at the societal influences which affect the course of anxiety in youngÌýpeople. Discussing, in turn, anxieties concerning appearance and anxieties resulting fromÌýthe impact of the digital revolution, including video games and Facebook, the authorÌýpoints to the contemporary dimension of anxiety, and urges us to be open to its currentÌýmanifestation to be able to help young people move confidently into adulthood.

Elsewhere, Sara Perren continues her informative series of articles on what it’s likeÌýto be involved in a randomised controlled trial – essential reading for any practitionerÌýthinking of doing the same; and Brian Rock and Anca Carrington outline the work ofÌýa new service offering support to clients and GPs in the management of complex cases.

As new editor of HCPJ, I’m very keen to receive your feedback on any of the articlesÌýwhich appear in this issue. As a result, you’ll find prompts at the end of each piece,Ìýwith contact details. Alternatively, please let me know what issues are affecting youÌýas a practitioner today. As a member of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ’s Healthcare executive and a workingÌý(integrative) practitioner myself, I’m particularly interested in the experiences ofÌýtherapists on the ‘frontline’ and what might be of interest to you. Ideas for articlesÌýare very welcome, as are possible contributors for our book reviews section.

Most of the articles in this issue were commissioned by outgoing editor, Penny Gray,Ìýwho, after six years’ hard work, is taking a much-earned sabbatical. Many thanks toÌýPenny for her truly excellent work on the journal.

Sarah Hovington