In this issue


Standing out from the crowd:Ìýwhat’s your USP?
Jo Birch and Sarah Corrie

How did we get here?:Ìýcoaching’s hidden history
Dr Leni Wildflower

Meaning in the mood:Ìýthe intelligence of emotion
Dr Geoff Pelham

Reliving the moment:Ìýusing audio playback in coaching supervision
The Ashridge Supervision Research Group


Message from the chair

A day in the life
Coach, teacher and special needsÌýpractitioner Dimos Kyritsis

Cover of Coaching Today, April 2014 issue

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýCoaching TodayÌýarchive.


As regular readers of this column will know, I amÌýfast approaching completion of my Master’sÌýdegree in dance movement psychotherapy andÌýpreparing to launch myself into a new career.ÌýHowever, I’m under no illusions that I will beÌýimmediately offered a contract as a freshly-graduatedÌýprofessional dance therapist in theÌýNHS or private sector; my aim with this trainingÌýwas always to build on my existing skills andÌýintegrate elements of psychodynamic danceÌýmovement psychotherapy with my coachingÌýpractice.

I have found this happening naturallyÌýover the past couple of years in actual work withÌýmy clients (how could it not?) but I confess that,Ìýwhen it comes to putting myself out there andÌýmarketing myself as an integrated coach/therapist who uses dance, movement, creativityÌýand the body, I struggle with knowing how toÌý‘package’ and ‘brand’ myself as such.ÌýFrom the discussions you have been having,Ìýboth online through our LinkedIn group1 and inÌýthe pages of this journal, I know I’m not alone inÌýthis struggle. So I was delighted when our PastÌýChair of Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Coaching Jo Birch and the Chair ofÌýthe BPS Special Interest Group in CoachingÌýPsychology Sarah Corrie came together to offerÌýus all some advice on building and promoting ourÌýintegrated practices.

In our special cover feature in this issue, SarahÌýand Jo begin by looking at our history and go onÌýto explain what being dual trained might meanÌýfor us, why we might find self-promotionÌýchallenging and how to overcome this. WhatÌýdo we bring from our diverse backgrounds asÌýcounsellors, psychologists, psychotherapists,Ìýcoaches and coaching psychologists, and whatÌýdoes it all mean in the marketplace? As theyÌýexplain, to communicate our brand we mustÌýfirst identify our unique selling point (USP).ÌýWhat makes us so special and unique – andÌýwhat differentiates us from other practitioners?ÌýHow do we stand out from the crowd?

Elsewhere, Leni Wildflower traces the originsÌýof coaching from the early days of the self-helpÌýmovement to today’s approaches embracingÌýdevelopments in psychology and psychotherapy.ÌýLeni’s piece serves as a reminder that we allÌýstand on the shoulders of giants – and that weÌýare each and every one of us pioneers in our field.ÌýIt’s for this reason that I love reading your storiesÌýand your contributions and I feel privileged to beÌýable to share them and showcase your work hereÌýin the pages of this journal – your ideas andÌýexplorations, your struggles and challenges,Ìýyour dreams and hopes. Thank you forÌýcontinuing to share and contribute to theÌýdiscussion.

I’m also delighted to welcome our new Chair ofÌýÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Coaching, Gill Fennings-Monkman MBE,Ìýwith her first Chair’s Message for Coaching TodayÌýreaders. I echo Gill’s sentiments in expressingÌýgratitude to our predecessors and lookingÌýforward to the future with excitement, passionÌýand curiosity. I hope you will join us.

Diane Parker