In this issue

Becoming a resilient practitioner
Is the recession impacting on your health?ÌýSally Despenser explores the risks forÌýcounsellors and outlines the case for goodÌýself-care

Practical resilience
Dr Chris Johnstone identifies ways toÌýdevelop more resilient relationships

Stepping up
Steffi Bednarek unravels the complexÌýdynamics and power relations involvedÌýwhen you become manager to yourÌýformer peers

Leading teams in troubled times
How do you show leadership andÌýmaintain team health in tough times?ÌýMandy Flint and Elisabet Vinberg HearnÌýshare their expertise

Inside the organisation
Andrew Kinder, recently appointed Chair ofÌýthe UK Employee Assistance ProfessionalsÌýAssociation, talks about the challengesÌýfacing our profession

Cyberculture in the workplace:Ìýa beginner’s guide
Would you embrace non-traditionalÌýways of working? Dr Kate Anthony exploresÌýthe use of technology in therapy in herÌýnew column

In-house vs outsourced provision
Amanda Smith debates the issues andÌýweighs up the pros and cons

From the chair

Cover of Counselling at Work, Summer 2013

Articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýCounselling at WorkÌýarchive.

First words

‘In order that people may be happy in their work, theseÌýthree things are needed: they must be fit for it, they mustÌýnot do too much of it, and they must have a sense of successÌýin it.’ Wise words indeed, written I discovered, by the BritishÌýsocial reformer John Ruskin back in 1851. Quoting them inÌýhis foreword to the UK Employee Assistance ProfessionalsÌýAssociation (EAPA) EAPA Guidelines, Professor Cary CooperÌýpresented this as the challenge that we workplace specialistsÌýnow face1. This led me to ponder much about our clients’Ìýwork, our work as therapists and how we rise to thisÌýchallenge in the current climate.

Recent conversations with colleagues have left me withÌýa distinct sense that for those of us who are in the businessÌýof hearing pain, we have most likely been hearing moreÌýof it since the economic downturn. An increase in debtÌýand mental health issues have led to Mind andÌý joining forces to raise awarenessÌýof the link between finances and mental health2. ‘RecessionÌýdepression’ in Therapy Today3 recently explored whatÌýcounsellors across the country were witnessing and theÌýimpact on the nation’s mental health. Our clients may beÌýin work, but their colleagues, partners or spouses mayÌýbe facing redundancy or job insecurity which is likely toÌýincrease anxiety and decrease wellbeing. WorkplaceÌýcounselling is providing essential support when there areÌýcuts to mental health services and when it is harder to findÌýagencies to which to refer clients who have more complexÌýmental health needs.

And so to return to Ruskin’s words… but this time asÌýthree questions: are we fit for work? Are we doing too muchÌýof it? And do we have a sense of success in it? I welcomeÌýSally Despenser’s timely article in which she explores theÌýrisks for therapists who are at ‘the coal face’ working withÌýclients as the impact of the recession continues to be felt.ÌýThe message is clear: a greater awareness of our own needsÌýand the shadow side of our work is essential to stay fit toÌýwork within this climate.

Continuing with the theme of resilience, I welcome backÌýChris Johnstone for his second article in the series ‘PracticalÌýresilience’. There is much about teams and leadership inÌýthis issue and so this time Chris homes in on how we canÌýcontribute to shaping the emotional landscape at workÌýto make our relationships more resilient. He offers someÌýfascinating insights and strategies to share with clientsÌýand teams going through ‘a rocky patch’.

There is no shortage of material on managing people. But, IÌýlearnt, there is surprisingly little research into how to manageÌýyour former colleagues when you become ‘the boss’. A warmÌýwelcome to Steffi Bednarek, the manager of a universityÌýcounselling service, who explores this in her article ‘SteppingÌýup’. She addresses the particular complexities involved andÌýthe challenging power dynamics at play.

When an email landed in my inbox about a new businessÌýbook4 for leaders, written as a story, about a team who foundÌýits way, I found myself intrigued. The book’s authors, andÌýexperts in leading and developing teams in business, MandyÌýFlint and Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, talk to Counselling at WorkÌýthis issue about what it takes to lead teams in uncertain times.

We hear from two voices from within the EAPÌýcommunity. The first is Andrew Kinder, our intervieweeÌýfor ‘Inside the organisation’. Andrew is a past Chair ofÌýÏã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Workplace and an executive committee member.ÌýThe new Chair of UK EAPA, Andrew outlines his prioritiesÌýand the challenges facing our profession. Innovation andÌýtechnology, he explains, will play a key role in how therapyÌýis provided in the future.

Opening our eyes to this, I’m excited to introduce KateÌýAnthony, a leading expert in online therapy, who beginsÌýher new series ‘Cyberculture in the workplace: a beginner’sÌýguide’. She has trained practitioners and organisationsÌýworldwide and is committed to the development of ethicalÌýpractice in this fast-growing field. Get ready for the journey.

And finally, we hear from Amanda Smith, our secondÌývoice from the EAP community, who debates the pros andÌýcons of in-house counselling versus outsourced provision.ÌýAmanda explores the considerations for counsellors whenÌýthinking about their career pathways and looks at theÌýdilemmas which can ensue.

My thanks go to all the contributors. I hope you enjoyÌýthis summer issue. Until the autumn …take care.

Nicola Banning


1 EAP Guidelines 2012. UK Employee Assistance ProfessionalsÌýAssociation.
2 Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¾«×¼×ÊÁÏ Political Monitoring Briefing. Debt and mental health.Ìý20.05.2013.
3 Brown S. Recession depression. Therapy Today. 2012; 23(10):12-15.
4 Flint M, Vinberg Hearn E. The team formula, a leadership tale of a teamÌýwho found their way. London: MX Publishing; 2013.